Hey, it's Almost Halloween. Let's all go out for a good old Ghost Hunt. I know ghost hunting is pretty popular right now, aim you do not just want to jump in without Knowing what to do. So I've assembled a list of 10 things you need to know to do a great ghost hunt. And come home with results.
Location, Location, Location
Paranormal activity can Occur in all lots of locations. For example hotels, cemeteries, prisons, Hospitals, private homes, parks, bridges, szene of accidents, major disasters or murders, etc. Anywhere That residual energy might dwell.
What kind of ghosts do you want to encounter? Lost souls, murderers, victims accident, demons? Do you want playful spirits or the really angry ones Who will push you down a stairwell if Given a chance? Pick a rental Where reports include the kind Investigate of energy you'd like to encounter gold. You May not want to lock yourself in an old abandoned mental ward up to you've been doing this for Some Time.
Do Your Research
Once you've Chosen a location, Do Some research. You must know what to expect or what you're dealing with so you know Who you bring to your team, what equipment you'll need, what permissions you need to get, and to what-have on hand in case of emergency. Does your ghost APPEAR HAS Has Some Time of day or night? Make sure you Investigate at That Time. Does your ghost APPEAR Some only in hotel rooms? Make sure you can book as it's hotel room. Is your voice ghost? Make sure you bring something to record it. You do not want to waste time Investigating at the wrong time or space or in the wrong way.
Get permissions
If you're on private property Investigating always get permission from the owner to do your investigation. You will be trespassing if you do not, and if you Caused damage to the property, you will be linkable. If you-have to use bolt cutters to get into your location, you're doing it wrong! . It's not worth the risk
. It might look like the old abandoned hotel is safe, purpose you do not know about hidden hazards That Could Hurt gold-even kill you If you want to get started Quickly, a public park public Investigate gold - - - -Other rent Where Ghostscript- -beens-have sighted or reported. Just be safe to respect the property, do no damage, and leave nothing behind.
Assemble A Good Team
The right team is vital to-have a successful and fruitful hunt. You will need people in the Following Positions, Noting That one person May be ble to fill multiple positions.
Researcher - the person willing to surf the internet, scan reports, get details, make phone calls, and secure permission to get onto the website to Investigate.
Lead Investigator . - This is the person Who will lead the investigation They will decide Where the team goes and when, how the equipment is divvied up and set up, and will make decisions Generally Regarding the safety and efficacy of the team. Often the lead investigator will Attempt to communiquer with the ghosts, aim Sometimes That falls to the intuitive.
Audio / Visual Techs - you need people Who can take digital photos, hold the video cameras, digital audio recorders the hold, work the EMF detectors, monitor the temperature, and record all the goings on During the investigation. I would assign 2-4 People to handle the equipment DEPENDING ON what you've got going. Downloading and Analyzing all the data can be done by Them or anyone else on the team.
Intuitive . - Do not forget to bring your blood hounds Bring along a psychic or two to help you pinpoint areas of activity unearthly It will save you a ton of time and energy. Sure you-have equipment, purpose are you using it in the room with the activity? Or are you wandering around 50 rooms of a hotel looking for one ghost? Intuitive Will Be Especially helpful to around-have if you want to help a spirit cross over. They are like canaries in the mines ... if you see your intuitive running away from something, you run too shoulds. Intuitive will be ble to communiquer with the ghosts and-have a better opportunity of calling forth an entity.
Safety / Tactical Guy - this is the person Who checks the area of investigation for safety hazards and comes equipped with items to help the team stay safe or get through obstacles or barriers. They check the area ahead of time and mark off areas too dangerous to tread through. They aussi shoulds be ble of carrying an injured person, or someone on the team hauling up or down a hole with rope. This is the person responsible for That is the team's safety.
Skeptics Science gold standard - In addition to your intuitive as you want to bring along a skeptic or scientific person. Do not they cancel out Each Other? No. The skeptic is there to Investigate Reported Scientifically phenomenon to see if it can be replicated in year earthly way. Skeptics are aussi The Last to Become possessed gold Influenced by negative entities since Themselves They are not opening up to try to communiquer with the ghosties. A Good skeptic is like your grounding tool. When all your psychics drop, the skeptic will be healthy and well standing there Saying, "What the heck just happened to our psychics? I see nothing."
Comic Relief - If bad things happen to members of your party, one of the best ways to snap them out of it is humor.
If the investigation is getting dark and scary, keeping your high vibration is critical, and HAVING someone in your group Who is great at cracking jokes can save the day. Trust me, I know, it happened to me . Bring the funny.
Use The Proper Equipment
Taking along as much equipment as you can will help you verify the presence of the paranormal. Here is a list of items you shoulds endeavor to bring, and Their function.
Digital Camera -. . Take a lot of pictures of your haunted hire. You never know what will show up on your pictures That You can not see with your eyes take Literally Hundreds of shots There shoulds be at least one person snapping pictures every second in FEW Each rental. If someone is Engaging with an entity or ghost, take a ton of pictures of the person and Their surrounding area.
Digital Voice Recorder - If you want to capture EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) then you want to-have a digital recorder going at all times. Give a recorder to your lead investigator, your intuitive, and Possibly your skeptic. Good to capture EVP, everyone must stop all motion, someone will ask a question, and wait at least 5 seconds for an answer. You May not be ble to hear anything, your goal might recorder. You'll analyze it later.
Infrared Cameras - Si vous avez la budget for it, bring along Some infrared cameras That are good at picking up ghosts in the dark. You can set them up in stationary locations around a single room, or your audio visual person-have carry 'em while you walk. If you do walk around in the dark, be ridiculously careful!
Video Camera . -.
If you're Investigating During the day or in lots of light, your video investigation You never know what you'll pick up on the camera More if something really cool happens, like a brick gets thrown at your head's intuitive, you ' That evidence ll want to capture on film!
EMF Detector . - This nifty device will tell you if there is unusual electromagnetic activity in the area, qui est a safe Some Say sign of paranormal activity
. You can buy an EMF detector online
Research the different frequencies are detected and Decided That One That will serve you best.
Thermometers - Ghosts Often Their Own bring cold front. Check the chill and record your data. See if you can correlate it with information --other you're picking up.
Motion Sensors -. Ghosts can trip motion sensors, sometimes They can aussi hurk items across a room That might be picked up by a sensor motion.
Think About Safety
In addition to equipment designed to nab your ghosts, you must aussi think about personal safety equipment. Here is a list of items to consider Bringing along one year investigation. Your security / tactical person shoulds and manage inventory items thesis and give 'em out to Appropriate staff.
Flashlights -. If you're trudging around in the dark, you'll need some light
You can use handheld flashlights or headlamps. If you're using infrared cameras, you can only use red lights.
Walkie Talkies - If your team splits up, it's vital to be ble to reach 'em in an emergency and to check in.
Make sour your walkie talkies-have a long range and do not pick up interference from --other devices.
Glow Sticks -. These are great for lining a path back to safety Drop A Few of These on the ground if you're in a dark maze-like environment. If you're running (For some reason) and you need to find the exit fast, thesis are probably your best bet. More ghosts can take out electrical equipment purpose I have yet to meet a ghost who is a match for a glow stick!
Door Stops - It's a good idea to prop open doors So They do not get mysteriously locked or slammed on you, Preventing you from getting out in a hurry.
Proper Attire - Know what kind of terrain you'll be walking around in and dress for safety and comfort. Will there be mud? Loose floor boards? Wood with nails sticking out of it? You shoulds Good boots wear close-toed shoes gold (no heels ladies). -have jackets with zippered pockets, or a tactical vest with pouches, long sleeves, gloves, etc. Dust masks, shemaghs, or bandanas to cover your face if the environment will be filled with dusty gold airborne nasties.
Batteries -. . Where there are dead people you'll find lots of dead batteries Investigations can end Quickly if all your brand new batteries mysteriously get Discharged Have tones of back up batteries for all your equipment.
First-Aid Kit - Sprained ankles, bonks on the head, cuts, bruises, and wounds can Certainly Occur during an investigation. Better safe than sorry! It Could Be a while before you can get a fallen comrade to a hospital. Be sour to bring ice packs, bandages, wound closures, anti-bacterial wipes, antiseptic sprays, antibiotic ointment, burn gel, slings, and something you can use as a splint. Oh and bring a jacket (love, mom).
Rope -.
. Hopefully you will not ever need rope, aim it's handy for all lots of Opportunities Hauling a friend out of a hole, helping someone down a well, a restraining possessed psychic Fifty feet of rope never hurt anyone, so bring it.
Food and Water . -. Keep your team energized and hydrated Water bottles and energy bars for everyone to keep 'em going Often happen long after dinner investigations. Skulking around a jail sour can make you hungry! Be sour you've got enough food to handle emergencies, Especially if you are somewhere remote.
Cell Phones - Charged cell phones you can use to call for help are essential.
Zip ties or handcuffs - On the rare chance That someone in your party Does get possessed, you'll want to be ble to gently restrain Them So They do not hurt gold Themselves members of the team.
Do not bring weapons on a ghost hunt. Ghosts will not be affected by 'em, if the goal of your team members possessed get hold of' em, you're all dead.
If you must bring a utility knife, fine, give it to your goal to hold skeptic.
Go In Strong
Be Rested well before you're starting your hunt. Tired people are More Easily Influenced by dark forces. Be sour you're healthy and well. No drinking of alcohol before or during an investigation. Stay sharp and in control. Either no drugs of any kind. Stay alert and in your right mind.
Never Hunt Alone
This is super important. The buddy system rules When hunting ghosts. No one goes anywhere alone, not-even the bathroom. If you're alone You Could Be Easily Injured gold Influenced and there will be no one around to help you. If you 're with a team of people and you break off into groups, make sour there are at least 2 people in a group, ALTHOUGH I recommend 3 people per group. with three, if there's trouble, one person can get help, one person can be in trouble, and l'autre person can stay with the troubled individual.
Also, if someone get possessed Docs, you'll want at least two people --other there to restrain him or her.
Know The Signs Of Possession
You might think it can not happen to you, it can aim. If you're stirring a hornet's nest of haunted houses or hotels, you can get stung! You're opening yourself up to the paranormal, inviting Basically Itself to show it, so do not be surprised if it latches on to someone in your group. it's significant to know the normal behavior of everyone on the team so you'll know If They start acting strangely.
Signs That someone is Being Negatively affected by something paranormal include: getting sick or nauseous, feeling dizzy, acting confused, Unable to speak, breathing strangely irregularly gold, sudden bursts of unusual emotion (sadness or anger for example), swearing, attacking a member of the team, hurting Themselves, speaking in odd languages or in an odd way, eyes rolled back in Their Heads, overt sexual behavior, thrashing around, or passing out.
Always keep an eye on your team mates. Remove anyone Who Appears to be acting strangely.
Sometimes the act of Removing Them from the area is enough to bring 'em back to Themselves, And Sometimes you need to help' em come back. This Is When You use love and humor. You may also need a strong voice to tell the offending entity to back the heck off!
Learn How To Analyze Your Data
When the investigation is over, the real work begins. It can take Many hours to analyze all the data from all your equipment. You've got to correlate with what your psychics received what the equipment picked up. You've got to scan pictures for unusual or anomalous images. Look for orbs in your pictures. Look for dark shapes or shadows That-have no physical correlations. Put your thermal readings together with your EMF readings. Listen to the digital recordings for Any EVPs. Try to Piece it all . together and look for evidence . This can be painstaking and requires a very discerning ear and eye Working with a partner or HAVING everyone on the team take a look at the data can be very helpful so you do not miss anything.
Be safe - have fun, and get it out there There's a whole other world to explore. Get your equipment, your team, your gear, and get 'er done!